Sunday, December 31, 2017

Begin Again

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "forward"?

For me, I picture a rocket taking off in the air, making its way through outer space, or maybe a team of scientists finding the cure for the deadliest disease in the world. 2017 had been a year where I learned the most in every aspect of my life. Now that it's the first day of the new year, I think it would be wonderful to reflect on last year's kaleidoscopic memories and welcome the new year with a fresh and positive outlook with new goals in my life.

I rarely make New Years' resolutions because I know that I will end up ditching them later. But I learned that setting goals and maintaining them can also be a useful tool to organize ourselves, giving us the clarity, motivation, and direction that we need in order for us to improve. Here are my 2018 resolutions:

1. Write more.

This is why I started this blog. Writing enables me to give a voice to my thoughts. Aside from sharing with you my adventures and ideas in life, I want to cultivate one of my biggest passions in life.

2. Read more. 

I haven't been reading much last year because I have so much going on my plate. This year I'd love to make time to immerse myself in the pages filled with countless of stories.

3. Stay in shape. 

Honestly, I haven't been taking care of my health last year. I was often sick. Having to carry the boulders of social and academic pressure on my shoulder puts me under a lot of stress. But it's definitely going to change this year.

4. Improve my flexibility.

I'd like to increase my physical performance.

5. Reinvent me. 

We all make mistakes and mistakes are a crucial part of life. In fact, as teenagers, we are expected to make them. But what's more important is that we grow and learn from them.

What are your New Years resolutions?


  1. Kaleidoscopic is a perfect way to describe this yeah haha :) Loved this post!

  2. Such great goals, I love how you write! So happy to have found your blog :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (I would love to follow each other on bloglovin if you like! :D)


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Begin Again