Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Aparecium! 10 Things We Can All Learn From Harry Potter


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“After all this time?”


With just a string of letters, J. K. Rowling was able to magnify Snape’s character enormously and warmed our hearts, showing how impactful modern literary can be.  

Readers would often find themselves immersed into a land filled with magic and adventure as they flip through the pages of the book which chronicle the epic story of a young wizard and his friends - making the Harry Potter series a global phenomenon. But, what exactly are the magical spells that contributed to its success? 

1.           Facing your fears. 

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As Ernest Hemingway said, “courage is grace under pressure.” Harry risked his life defeating Voldemort, and Ron had to follow the spiders to find Hermione’s cure. Sometimes, facing our fears is what we really need to do in order to solve our problems. 

2.           Friendship is golden.

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True friendship comprises of sincerity and love. Whether you’ve read the book or watched the movie, Ron, Hermione, and Harry never betrayed each other despite the hardships they had to endure.

3.           Love requires sacrifice, but it’s worth it. 

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James and Lily sacrificed their lives to protect Harry. So did So did Dumbledore, Sirius, Mad-Eye Moody, Snape, and Lupine.

4.           Underestimating others won’t make you any better.

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Voldemort often underestimates Harry by saying that he wouldn’t be able to defeat him but little did he know that Voldemort himself was the one defeated. 

5.           Trust means everything.

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Dumbledore taught us that trusting others is not a simple task, but proving that that trust is paid off and kept on is priceless. 

6.           We can’t change our past, but we certainly can change our future. 

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Throughout the series, Harry progresses from a young boy whose life was filled with so much pain and tragedy to a courageous young wizard who finally defeated Voldemort. Harry did not let his past define him. He even managed to become an Auror, an elite magician who deals with black magic.

7.           Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

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Until the third book, we are led to believe that Sirius Black was a cruel wizard who showed no mercy. Though he is actually someone who cared so deeply for Harry. He even did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for him. 

8.           Smart women hold a role in changing the world too. 

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Hermione was willing to forget the memories of her parents in order to accompany Harry to seek and destroy the Horcrux. Both Hermione and Luna Lovegood not only love learning but also sharing their knowledge with their friends. 

9.           A great teacher is ineradicable. 

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Professor Lupine and Professor McGonagall played a major influence in Harry’s life. Their wisdom enabled Harry to become the successful wizard he is. 

10.      Never give up.

By the end of 1993, J. K. Rowling fell into clinical depression. She was a single mother and unemployed. If Rowling had given up on the first time she got rejected, the magical world of Harry Potter wouldn’t exist. Today, the Harry Potter series were have been translated into 79 languages, won multiple awards, and sold more than 450 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling book series in history.

Source: http://1zl13gzmcsu3l9yq032yyf51-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/J.K.-Rowling-quote-We-have-the-power-to-imagine-better.jpg


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